by Marissa | Nov 7, 2022 | DNF Podcast
GET THE DIGITAL NOMAD FAMILY HOLIDAY GUIDE HERE As a full time traveling family, holidays can be tricky. First you have the “what holidays DO we celebrate?” question to sort out. Then you have the “are there any holidays that we need to be...
by Marissa | Oct 31, 2022 | DNF Podcast
The 6th of 6. This one is for all things random. There’s no logic here people! So please don’t try to find it. These are just things that I, Marissa, mother of nonsense, enjoy and find helpful as I travel full time with my family. So, without future ado,...
by Marissa | Oct 24, 2022 | DNF Podcast
Episode 5 of 6! Wow almost at the end of this 5 Favorite Things series. The 5 items talked about in this episode are all about health/safety. What can you do to make sure your family stays as healthy as possible when traveling full time? And what can you do to be safe...
by Marissa | Oct 16, 2022 | DNF Podcast
This episode is all about “tech”. Now, by “tech” I, Marissa your host, mean “stuff that requires some type of plugging in/app usage/wifi…” It’s kind of a broad range! But all these items make life easier in one way or...
by Marissa | Oct 3, 2022 | DNF Podcast
In this 2nd of a 6 part series I, Marissa your host and totally inept APP user, will talk about my 5 favorite apps that help us a nomadic family. Now, please don’t mistake this episode as me trying to come off as a tech expert, because I am NOT! But, with these...
by Marissa | Sep 26, 2022 | DNF Podcast
In this first of a 6 episodes series Marissa highlights her 5 favorite PERSONAL items. In this case, personal has the meaning of “important for 1 person, but maybe not another”. So while you may not see the the value of these items, the point is to help...