About Family of Dashes

Why did we start this blog?

Does the world need another digital nomad blog?

Nope.  There are loads of them, and we have looked at and learned a ton from many of them.

So, why are we starting our own you might ask?

Because we struggled to find blogs and websites that were for ordinary families living as digital nomads.  

Many digital nomad family blogs are fulltime influencers in the space.  And, we have no issues with that.  But that’s not us.  And, we couldn’t afford to live like those folks.

Thus, our blog. We are an ordinary family living an extraordinary life.

Who are we?

We are the Dingler; aka – The Family of Dashes.

We are a full-time digital nomad family of six. 

We move to a new city every 3 to 6 months. 

We get asked a lot for advice on how families can become digital nomads. 

So, we decided to start this blog as a resource for others.

There are lots of ways to live as a digital nomad.

  • Have a home base and go on long extended trips.
  • Have no home base and move every week or so.  This is fast travel.
  • Have no home base and stay in one place for a couple of months to up to a year or so.  This is slow travel. (we are slow-travel digital nomads, BTW.)
  • Homeschool, world-school, unschool, or change schools with every move.
  • the list goes on.

We suggest the same thing to every person that asks us our opinion on what they should do as digital nomads.  

Do what’s right for your family.

Why do we call ourselves Family of Dashes?

Simple.  One day, all of us will die. And on our tombstone will be a short dash between our birthdate and our death date.  

And we want to make the most of that little dash.




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