Using Travel to Teach our Kids HOW they Learn Best

September 12, 2022
Hey, my name is Marissa and I am the wife and mom in this group. Some of my favorite things are Downton Abbey, black coffee, any Beth Moore study, and the color purple. I’ve currently been to 5 continents, and one place I’ll always travel back to is London, England.

In this episode Marissa talks about how they do school in their family. The main way is by project/experience based learning. This means that the kids use 1 big experience (like going to the Amazon Rain forest for 10 days) to center their learning around.

Marissa also talks a little bit about the legal requirements to home school your kids in her home state of Virginia.

The main focus of education in Marissa’s family is on helping each kid learn how they learn best. Because knowing how to learn is a vital key to life.



Interactive map with a preview of the homeschooling laws in that state

Hoopla Digital Library



  • Follow Marissa and her family on Instagram to see the daily adventures they get into, they are Family Of Dashes.

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