Tips, Tricks, and Packing List: Los Chorros National Park, San Salvador

July 31, 2023
Hey, my name is Marissa and I am the wife and mom in this group. Some of my favorite things are Downton Abbey, black coffee, any Beth Moore study, and the color purple. I’ve currently been to 5 continents, and one place I’ll always travel back to is London, England.

My family had a blast at Los Chorros. It’s about 25-30 minutes outside of San Salvador, so it’s very easy to get to!

I wasn’t able to find a ton about this place online so I hope this helps you as you’re planning your families day out to Los Chorros.

Make sure you follow us on Instagram so you can see the pictures of the things we talk about here!

Also, if you have any thoughts for an episode idea, I’d love to hear it, send me an email.

Check out this episode!

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