Why the name "Family of Dashes"?

Eric and Marissa, aka mom and dad, both have a small dash tattoo.

You can see it here on Eric’s hand holding his favorite camping coffee mug on our Appalachian backpacking trip.

The tattoo comes from an idea they heard in a sermon once at church based on the book “One Month to Live“.

The concept is simple.  On our tombstones will be our birthdate and death date.  In between is a dash.  That dash is our life.  We don’t know where we are in that dash, so we need to make the most of it.

We have decided to make the most of our dash for Jesus.

So, our family has planted a church, adopted, started a nonprofit, launched a successful business with the mission to leverage marketplace success to honor God, others, and our team, and now we are adding this website to inspire others to make the most of their dash, aka life.




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Parenting on the Road

Schooling on the Road

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