10 Ways to Prepare to Leave your Passport Country as a Family

July 4, 2022
Hey, my name is Marissa and I am the wife and mom in this group. Some of my favorite things are Downton Abbey, black coffee, any Beth Moore study, and the color purple. I’ve currently been to 5 continents, and one place I’ll always travel back to is London, England.

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The time is getting close to leaving your passport country, but you want to make sure you leave in a way that helps your kids feel a sense of closure, but also excitement about what is coming.  Well, hang on tight, because in this “drinking from a fire hose” episode Marissa gives you 10 ways to leave your passport country well.


  • Huge shout out to our sponsor Divi Agnecy Coach
  • Follow Marissa and her family on Instagram to see the daily adventures they get into, they are Family Of Dashes.
  • Enjoying the show? An iTunes review would really help us reach more families with the show.

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