Connecting Travel and Education with Tara Shambaugh

August 29, 2022
Hey, my name is Marissa and I am the wife and mom in this group. Some of my favorite things are Downton Abbey, black coffee, any Beth Moore study, and the color purple. I’ve currently been to 5 continents, and one place I’ll always travel back to is London, England.

Marissa talks with Tara Shambaugh about how connect travel with the education of our kids. While Tara’s family was traveling she combined where they were in the world with what her son was learning. Because of this the education and travel worked together to help him learn by hands on activity and work at home.

If you are traveling within the U.S.A. make sure you go to as many National Parks as you can. The Junior Ranger programs are great quality, and if you have a 4th grader and are a U.S. citizen you can get a free pass to the parks.


Make sure you follow Tara on Instagram to see what her and her family are up to nowadays!

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