5 Favorite Things: Personal Edition

September 26, 2022
Hey, my name is Marissa and I am the wife and mom in this group. Some of my favorite things are Downton Abbey, black coffee, any Beth Moore study, and the color purple. I’ve currently been to 5 continents, and one place I’ll always travel back to is London, England.

In this first of a 6 episodes series Marissa highlights her 5 favorite PERSONAL items. In this case, personal has the meaning of “important for 1 person, but maybe not another”. So while you may not see the the value of these items, the point is to help you get ideas about things YOU want to make sure you have in your own bag when you are a full-time traveler.


DIVA CUP: This makes long travel days not a big deal! Having to be on a flight where the captain NEVER turns the seatbelt light off use to stress me out, but not any more. Also, not having to get to the store when your house is 20 minutes away from the closest city, is very nice.

Leaf Shave Razor: Now, you MUST have a check bag with this, because this is a straight edge razor. So, if you only do carry on, this won’t work for you. But we love this razor. We own 4! Not only will you get an amazing shave, but this reduces the amount of waste you have with shaving products. LOVE THAT! These are the blades we use. We are very brand loyal to them.

Packable Measure Cups and Spoons: I’m so happy to have these in my kitchen. Many countries don’t use the same measuring system as America, so I like being able to cook and bake using the system that I grew up with.

Insulated Coffee Cup: Eric travels with a mug very similar to this, and he uses it every day. If you enjoy a nice cup (or 3) of coffee in the morning, just keep in mind that other countries tend to have smaller mugs then we do in the United States. So, for Eric to have this for his morning cup o’ joe is very nice.

Bathroom Scale: Having this is huge motivation for me and Eric. Some people don’t need to know the number on the scale, but for us it’s very motivational! Side benefit, you can use it to weight your luggage.


  • Marissa is NOT sponsored by any of these brands/products, she just really likes them or thinks they would be good.
  • Follow Marissa and her family on Instagram to see the daily adventures they get into, they are Family Of Dashes.


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